Yesterday I picked up my 650B rando / winter bike. It was loaned to my good friend Gordon while he was between bikes. I talked to him briefly about some test comments. He was very positive and said he would write something up to post here.
I then went on to return a couple of items I borrowed for use at NAHBS, Heath Garvey of Lee's Cyclery is interested in displaying my bikes on an event coming up later this month. It would be a nice way to introduce YiPsan Bicycles to Fort Collins.
I have been tracking back to happenings during NAHBS and thinking of builders who inspires me. Among all the master builders, his work speaks a lot to me and will serve as an inspiration for my work. I know a lot of people were very impressed seeing his bikes live.
I would like to thank Darrell for sharing tips openly and sincerely.
Alright, I am heading back to the shop. I started another 650B rando / winter bike. This time with Rene Singer lugset.